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network testing
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government sector
Meet tough SLAs and lock in service assurance with inline and active monitoring
An inline monitoring probe, IxProbe combines real-time monitoring, SLA verification, and synthetic QoS testing via Hawkeye — putting you in control of your network's edge with fewer truck rolls, faster troubleshooting, and effortless deployment at scale.

We provide testing, visibility, and security solutions to strengthen applications across physical and virtual networks.
Organizations use our tools and capabilities to test, secure and visualize their networks so their applications run stronger.
Ixia provides total visibility, test, and security solutions across your physical and virtual networks so your teams—and your tools—make exactly the right decisions at exactly the right time. See our solutions.

Ebooks / Reprints


What Is a Network Packet Broker (And Why Do You Need One)?
Ebooks / Reprints

The ABCs of Inline Security
White Papers

Edge Computing: Four Smart Strategies for Safeguarding Security and User Experience

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